
Query Classification - list of queries into groups based on combining their features.
Query into a search engine - ordered sequence of characters, usually in
the form of verbal expression or association, describing an object or
phenomenon, introduced by the user to search for information about the
object or phenomenon.

Query Classification by purpose user

Depending on the goal that guided the creation of user queries, we can distinguish:

  • Inquiries information,
    which is relevant to the user only the end result in the form of the
    information sought, but it does not matter where the information is

  • Inquiries navigation, created to find the address of a particular resource containing the information.

  • Inquiries transaction created in order to purchase specific goods, services, etc.

Query classification due to their uniqueness

Inquiries can be separated because of how precisely are formulated:

  • Explicitly, in which the information is sought specifically and clearly expressed (eg buy an apartment Kraków)

  • Ambiguous, which can be interpreted in several ways (eg, housing)

Classification in terms of the length of query

You can find the information you are looking for a query consisting of a varying number of words:

  • Single-word.

  • Phrase (dwusÅ‚owne, trzysÅ‚owne etc.).

Classification by geography search

  • In geography, as the object of the search is related to one specific location (city, country, region, etc., for example, Krakow engraving).

  • Without geography.
    In this case, the user does not matter the position of the object, or
    the object can not be assigned to a specific location (for example, a
    query about downloading software).

  • The default geography. Location of object in this case is not referred to directly (for example, order a pizza).

Classification by popularity

One of the most important positioning methods of classification queries. Depending on the popularity of queries in search engines can be distinguished:

  • The most popular - most often placed on the search word in a particular subject.
    Due to the popularity of these questions, your hand on the key phrase
    is relatively difficult and consumes a lot of time and money.

  • Unpopular - rarely used query about a specific topic. They are the easiest to positioning and high positions are achieved in a relatively short time.

  • Åšredniopopularne - mark with a relatively high popularity. Often used by the sensors. It is difficult to determine the precise data on the number, specifying which group include this phrase.

There are special algorithms that use an empirical method for
calculating the popularity phrases: create a database of all possible
queries for a topic, and then choose the one with a large majority in
number of queries and relate it to the top, is by far the least
frequently asked to unpopular, and others - to średniopopularnych.

Query classification due to their competitiveness

If the division requests for their popularity is based on user behavior
statistics, the competitiveness of the query is determined by the
positioners on the basis of their use by competitors in the same

Inquiries can be considered as highly competitive, if in search results
based on them are shown links to the front pages of websites.
However, it is very competitive relative criterion.
In assessing the competitive phrases are considered inbound links
(backlinks) with a key phrase in the anchor text leading to the
competition sites located in the top 10, and a level of confidence to
the parties in the top 10 for the phrases and their domains, the number
of unique pages and domains, which are arranged links to sites in the
top 10, their compliance thematic and other parameters.
On this basis, are highlighted phrase:

  • Highly competitive - the positioning of such phrases is difficult and consumes a lot of time and resources.

  • Åšredniokonkurencyjne.

  • Niskokonkurencyjne.

The types of search results, emerging under the influence of positioners

In some cases, certain trends create conditions for the use of the
positioners same key phrases to position the different sites with
similar content.
Such phrases may affect your search results.
For example, the commercialization of certain areas leads to the fact
that, in response to certain highly competitive term results are
obtained where the first pages appear only the stores.
In other cases, the effect of positioning factors may be smaller or absent altogether. This largely depends on how the query is commercialized. For example, for the query flowers appear in the results of both the stores and the website information and education. However, for the query inflorescences, the results will definitely prevail information pages. Because of this phenomenon, the search results are divided into:

  • Monotonous
    - showing for ambiguous queries where, because of the actions
    pozycjonerskich, one type of response eliminated the other (eg, laptops

  • Encyclopaedic - also appear to ambiguous queries, but including all variants of possible answers (eg, flowers).

  • Natural
    - formed by the search for niskokonkurencyjnych phrases in a natural
    way, without the interference of positioners (eg inflorescence).

  • The results of the interim parties - created in response to the phrase niskokonkurencyjne nietematycznych pages. These are not the answers carrying useful information.

Query classification based on their form of construction

  • The natural question - are built in the form of interrogative sentence (eg How to download movies about vampires)

  • Telegraphic
    request - created without including the - connections between words,
    prepositions, etc. (for example, rent an apartment inexpensively).

  • Query operators - search engine allows for more accurate search, using special operators ("+, *, ~, etc.), allowing concretize query. Google publishes on its website a list of operators in the browser.

  • Request a quote.

Query classification because of the language

  • Request created in one language.

  • Request created in several languages.

  • Request a specific language, but with errors.

  • Request formulated in different languages ​​with words having the same meaning in these languages.


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