
Anchor text
(anchor text, called "anchor" - anchor) - hyperlink text contained
between the tags and <a> </ a>, significantly affecting the
increase page rankings.
The link type <a href = "" http://www.strona.pl "> Web design," Web design "is the anchor text.

Anchor text is the visible to the user, and carries the information of a page on which the link leads. SEO website promotes the inclusion in the text of the anchor key phrases corresponding to the basic query.
External links with anchor texts that contain keyword phrases are
arranged in content links and significantly affect the process of
gaining links to the linked page (Link Building).
Properly selected anchor text to help put the website high in the search results.

Types of anchor text:

Create a text selection anchor key phrases for anchor text is made on
the basis of statistics of searches in the selected search engine (eg

Keep in mind that in addition to the basic key words to create anchor
text used and their synonyms, and also take into account the most common
typos, that can occur when writing the word.

Anchor text should correspond to the content of the page that links
lead containing them and should be personally created by the optimizer
as links generated by the systems they create can not give adequate
Links that are not classified as SPAM by your browser must look natural and intelligible.
Do not use too much of links containing the same phrase, and the ratio
of links containing pure keyword phrases to links in which the content
of your keywords are "with interwoven" more specific words should be 1
to 3
It is also important that the text surrounding the link was unique and understandable.

  • Texts of key phrases - the contents of such links is placed unmodified, usually highly competitive, key phrase. This anchor text generally consist of two - three words (such as "sale of flats").

  • Lyrics "diluted" - that texts in which the main phrases were added
    additional substantiation words, forming together an average or
    niskokonkurencyjne keyword phrases (such as "sale new construction
    apartments Krakow").

  • Natural (domain) anchor text - consist exclusively of domain names or adverbs such as "here".


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