
 Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails for Blogger/Blogspot Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails for Blogger/Blogspot

A few days ago, I've posted a tutorial about How To Add A Simple Recent Posts Widget but today I want to present to you a very nice Rec...

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This example sets all the background properties with one property - the 'background' property. This keeps the code shorter and easier to read.

Page Background

To set the background for the whole page, simply apply the background property against the body tag.


Alternative Background Codes

Below are more HTML background codes. In these examples, instead of using the background shorthand property, we use a property more specific to the actual effect we want to achieve. Doing this is simply an alternative - it's your choice which method you use.

Background Color

This example code applies a background color to a p tag using the background-color property. You can apply background color to any other HTML element, such as a div tag, body tag etc. Here, we also apply color to the text by using the color property.

Choose a color with the HTML color picker.

Source CodeResult

This text has got a background color applied. You could also apply background color to the whole page if you like.

Background Image

This example code applies a background color to a p tag using the background-color property. You can apply background color to any HTML element, such as a div tag, body tag etc. Here, we also apply color to the text by using the color property.

Source CodeResult

This div tag has got a background image. You could also apply a background image to the whole page if you like.

Fixed Background Image

You can fix the background image so that it doesn't scroll when you scroll the div (or page, as the case may be).

Source CodeResult

This HTML background code demonstrates how to keep the background image fixed. Scroll down to see what I mean - the background image stays in the same position.


HTML Background Code HTML Background Code

This page contains HTML background code. Feel free to copy and paste the HTML background code into your own website, blog, MySpace page, or...

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This example sets all the background properties with one property - the 'background' property. This keeps the code shorter and easier to read.

Page Background

To set the background for the whole page, simply apply the background property against the body tag.

Alternative Background Codes

Below are more HTML background codes. In these examples, instead of using the background shorthand property, we use a property more specific to the actual effect we want to achieve. Doing this is simply an alternative - it's your choice which method you use.

Background Color

This example code applies a background color to a p tag using the background-color property. You can apply background color to any other HTML element, such as a div tag, body tag etc. Here, we also apply color to the text by using the color property.
Choose a color with the HTML color picker.
Source CodeResult
This text has got a background color applied. You could also apply background color to the whole page if you like.

Background Image

This example code applies a background color to a p tag using the background-color property. You can apply background color to any HTML element, such as a div tag, body tag etc. Here, we also apply color to the text by using the color property.
Source CodeResult
This div tag has got a background image. You could also apply a background image to the whole page if you like.

Fixed Background Image

You can fix the background image so that it doesn't scroll when you scroll the div (or page, as the case may be).
Source CodeResult
This HTML background code demonstrates how to keep the background image fixed. Scroll down to see what I mean - the background image stays in the same position.

HTML Background Code HTML Background Code

This page contains HTML background code. Feel free to copy and paste the HTML background code into your own website, blog, MySpace page, or...

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This example sets all the background properties with one property - the 'background' property. This keeps the code shorter and easier to read.

Page Background

To set the background for the whole page, simply apply the background property against the body tag.


HTML Background HTML Background

Backgrounds HTML and CSS provides many ways of changing backgrounds in web pages. This page explains the industry standard way of creating b...

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This example sets all the background properties with one property - the 'background' property. This keeps the code shorter and easier to read.

Page Background

To set the background for the whole page, simply apply the background property against the body tag.

HTML Background HTML Background

Backgrounds HTML and CSS provides many ways of changing backgrounds in web pages. This page explains the industry standard way of creating b...

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