
Tool Unicode untuk membuat teks strikethrough atau tek dicoret Unicode strikethrough text tool for Twitter, Facebook, internationalized doma...
Wulangreh Jawi lan Islam. Medhar Saba: Pitutur, Sembur lan Uwur. Blog Private Collection's. (Ajian, Mantra, Do'a, Jimat, Pelet, Asma, Wifik, Hijib.)
Tool Unicode untuk membuat teks strikethrough atau tek dicoret Unicode strikethrough text tool for Twitter, Facebook, internationalized doma...
Facebook ID Lookup Finder Search Tool Identify your Facebook User ID or Page ID. Enter Your Facebook Username or U...
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_operator" title="Relational operator" rel="wikipedia nofollow" target="_blank">==UserScript==
// @name Userscripts.org Scam Filter
// @description Filters out scam scripts at Userscripts.org.
// @namespace http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/163038
// @icon http://s3.amazonaws.com/uso_ss/icon/163038/large.png?1365299642
// @updateURL https://userscripts.org/scripts/source/163038.meta.js
// @downloadURL https://userscripts.org/scripts/source/163038.user.js
// @homepageURL https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/163038
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
// @include http*://userscripts.org/
// @include http*://userscripts.org/scripts*
// @include http*://userscripts.org/tags/*
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @version 5.093
// ==/UserScript==
// Load jQuery cookie functions and viewport visibility selectors
// If our settings cookies don't exist yet, create them
if (GM_getValue('cont',-5) == -5) GM_setValue('cont','0');
if (GM_getValue('update',-5) == -5) GM_setValue('update','1');
// Append Settings checkboxes and set their tooltip text
var updateTip = 'Checks for Scam Filter updates a maximum of 3 times per day.';
var contTip = 'Automatically displays more results when you scroll to the end of a list.';
var checkboxParams = 'type="checkbox" style="font-weight:bold;color:white;vertical-align:middle;"';
var labelParams = 'style="font-weight:bold;color:white;;vertical-align:middle;"';
$('div#top div.container').prepend('
' +
'' +
' + ': ' +
'+ contTip + '" class="setCont" '+ checkboxParams +' />' +
' contTip + '" class="setCont" '+ labelParams +'>Continuous Scroll ' +
'+ updateTip + '" class="setUpdate" '+ checkboxParams +' />' +
' updateTip + '" class="setUpdate" '+ labelParams +'>Update Check ' +
//'' +
'' +
' +
// Set initial state of checkboxes
if (GM_getValue('cont') == '1') $('input.setCont').prop('checked', true);
if (GM_getValue('update') == '1') $('input.setUpdate').prop('checked', true);
// Save settings
var setCont;
var setUpdate;
$('input.setCont').change(function(){setCont = $(this).prop('checked') ? '1' : '0';GM_setValue('cont',setCont);location.reload(); });
$('input.setUpdate').change(function(){setUpdate = $(this).prop('checked') ? '1' : '0';GM_setValue('update',setUpdate);location.reload(); });
// Toggle checkboxes when their labels are clicked
// Toggle settings display when label is clicked
if ($('div.filterSettings').attr('hidden')){
} else {
function toggleCheck(className){
if ($('input.'+className).prop('checked')){
$('input.'+className).prop('checked', false);
if (className == 'setCont') GM_setValue('cont','0');
if (className == 'setUpdate') GM_setValue('update','0');
} else {
$('input.'+className).prop('checked', true);
if (className == 'setCont') GM_setValue('cont','1');
if (className == 'setUpdate') GM_setValue('update','1');
// Read settings
var cCont = (GM_getValue('cont') == '1') ? true : false;
var cUpdate = (GM_getValue('update') == '1') ? true : false;
// *** Set update info ***
// Tell auto-updater this script's description page URL, for the update notification link
var thisScriptURL = location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/show/163038';
// Tell auto-updater this script's meta data URL, for checking the script's latest version number
var thisScriptMetaURL = location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/source/163038.meta.js';
// *** End update info ***
// ********************* Continuous scroll **********************
if ((cCont) && ($('span.loading.done').length < 1) && (location.pathname.search('/show') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/review') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/fans') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/issues') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/discuss') < 0) && (location.pathname != '/') && (location.pathname.search('/review') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/versions') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/diff') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/upload') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/admin') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/edit') < 0) && (location.pathname.search('/images') < 0)){
// Remove the page links to avoid confusion in continuous mode
var pageOffset = 0;
// Get the current page number
if (location.href.search('page=') > -1){
// If the URL contains page=, read page number from there
var page = parseInt(location.href.substr(location.href.search('page=') + 5,4));
} else {
// Otherwise assume we're on page 1
var page = 1;
// Clone the table header for use in our "floater" fixed info bar
var info = $('table.wide.forums th.la').clone();
// Create a div and table to contain the cloned table header
var floater = '
';// Insert the floater div into the page...$('body').prepend(floater);// ...and insert the cloned table header into that div$('.floater table').prepend(info);// Hide or show the floater based on whether or not the original table header is in view (:in-viewport selector from a plugin)if(($('table.wide.forums th.la:not(.floated):in-viewport').length <1)&&($('.floater[hidden]').length >0)){$('.floater').removeAttr('hidden');}elseif(($('table.wide.forums th.la:not(.floated):in-viewport').length >0)&&($('.floater[hidden]').length <1)){$('.floater').attr('hidden','');}// Scrolling should trigger a check to see if the floater needs to be shown, and whether we need to fetch more content$(window).scroll(function(){scroll();});}functionscroll(){// Again, hide or show the floater as appropriateif(($('table.wide.forums th.la:not(.floated):in-viewport').length <1)&&($('.floater[hidden]').length >0)){$('.floater').removeAttr('hidden');}elseif(($('table.wide.forums th.la:not(.floated):in-viewport').length >0)&&($('.floater[hidden]').length <1)){$('.floater').attr('hidden','');}// If the page footer is in view, we've hit the bottom of the page, so fetch more content...if($('div#root_footer:in-viewport').length >0){// ...But don't fetch more content if a fetch is already in progressif(!($('table.wide.forums tbody.active').length >0)){// Tell upcoming scroll triggers that a fetch is in progress$('table.wide.forums tbody').addClass('active');// Keep track of which results page we're up to pageOffset++;var nextPage = page + pageOffset;// Start constructing the URL to fetch. Strip out any anchor data from the current URLvar urlFixed = location.href.replace(/\#.*/i,'');// Set the URL to fetch the next page. Must be done in different ways depending on the current URL's tokensif(urlFixed.search(/page\=/i)>-1){var nextUrl = urlFixed.replace(/page\=\d+/i,'page='+ nextPage);}elseif(urlFixed.search(/\?/)>-1){var nextUrl = urlFixed +'&page='+ nextPage;}else{var nextUrl = urlFixed +'?page='+ nextPage;}// Display "Fetching" message$('span.loading').text(' [Fetching More Results...]').css('color','lightblue');// Retrieve the next page $.ajax({ url: nextUrl, dataType:'html',//async: false, success: addContent });}}}functionaddContent(data){if(data.search('No results. Sorry!')>-1){$('span.loading').addClass('done').text(' No more results!');}else{// From the retrieved page, strip out everything above and below the rows of the results tablevar newData = data.replace(/\!DOCTYPE[\s\S]*?\
/i,''); // Debug new table row extraction //document.open('text/plain');document.write(newData); // Append the new table rows to our current table $('table.wide.forums tbody').append(newData); // Tell upcoming scroll triggers that a fetch is no longer in progress $('table.wide.forums tbody').removeClass('active'); // Clear "Fetching" text $('span.loading').text(''); // Run the filter again to check for scams in the new content filter(); } } // ************************* End Continuous ********************** /* The following 5 arrays comprise the blacklist. They are divided by type for possible future auto-review features. Note that clear scammers are placed in the Scammers array, even if they might fit one of the other categories. */ // IDs of known scam/spam authors var scammers = [ 505511,509293,509378,510850,513541,510672,480097,510116,500038,512571,442265,513430,507472,513409,505429, 513357,512124,507498,506735,500300,511244,510309,511328,497384,513364,513355,511676,487511,511415,507901, 507089,513264,510605,512529,511674,511989,510527,512972,513188,512212,509425,512669,512668,512519,472464, 513030,508237,509455,445861,505765,505775,490174,505107,504907,475448,439139,489768,427958,500250,475874, 500010,501687,441113,477783,477939,469787,480448,490444,507032,507280,506308,511070,414793,512674,510630, 507732,510588,512779,512759,512752,512179,512061,512725,500430,505802,378054,509405,510729,100713,510389, 504342,512514,506181,509046,512362,511138,511847,512226,511439,511386,509806,512154,510785,502394,513843, 511333,511604,511998,511984,505329,471739,511959,497739,508301,496647,511856,511598,511852,508789,509003, 511640,506401,511558,511543,510077,506307,511319,511367,511401,426758,511160,505130,511129,500403,511060, 511004,510975,509376,510881,508826,510788,510790,510609,510487,510565,504495,507700,474473,508083,508770, 436783,503959,501839,508952,510181,510183,496061,502509,434378,319859,509709,445145,506323,509541,509477, 509401,509102,507765,440600,507395,493603,469852,504611,508929,504955,508885,507596,492463,508839,502511, 505519,507645,508665,507767,508322,507927,508149,505864,508437,506372,501446,507756,479455,508339,508327, 508228,508224,439396,486100,484490,483252,477018,469610,474749,475548,469791,471187,469618,469741,469778, 469780,469784,469809,469886,428875,464299,440810,442036,238348,441298,440800,441085,437719,420155,409280, 403145,342242,329565,139742,511861,314407,473973,322218,503485,471931,502003,353460,507208,512693,501361, 512259,511888,511170,511127,291772,510918,503054,510750,510611,509950,427026,507649,507934,508452,471736, 507729,507614,507751,507753,508147,507588,507142,492379,507486,507485,508087,507183,479194,507094,507093, 507082,499556,507041,507861,507870,507861,507870,426361,506908,506898,506748,505764,506542,506547,507776, 506324,428623,507651,507659,506107,271918,504188,507554,505267,506223,507471,504831,290748,503800,507340, 507232,342061,468969,507199,507215,507166,498865,497933,507014,506995,505950,439843,467890,506668,506119, 501773,504380,503586,392894,288247,503614,503108,418280,513678,487207,492564,513638,513429,289792,289964, 435713,151070,512412,431803,484943,473044,508774,497119,327303,492799,208735,498726,505617,413570,513804, 482213,513968,513981,502217,507365,508594,504474,512915,512525,502367,513487,513002,512606,512442,512570, 512387,512085,511795,512089,510382,511475,505926,511188,511093,510847,510691,510422,509275,509241,509157, 509083,508882,508057,508849,508673,508103,507510,507260,507241,506729,506697,506689,506430,505845,505607, 504993,504988,504327,504005,503775,503709,503590,503498,503334,503206,503298,283470,501668,502362,502190, 501444,501345,500825,500637,500843,500630,500190,500078,499802,498950,498417,498115,497795,495883,497163, 495995,490808,476102,476758,514045,505250,514143,514332,507958,514409,426481,432055,428693,440592,509598, 514445,514517,514637,514412,445056,473740,488376,510780,514863,514894,515078,512570,510946,507241,506729, 515107,515223,514725,515272,515299,515313,470172,515268,515446,515440,515489,515465,515540,420148,515577, 515862,506824,501137,503837,516035,516034,516152,508693,516334,481002,256842 ]; /* IDs of useless authors. These include authors who only post unexplained copies of existing scripts and scripts that primarily do nothing. */ var useless = [ 513573,484405,513621,422292,478814,513746,494425,508578,498070,500894,514046,514258,512116,466803,506234, 182070,154802,210716,326372,142623,479344,412017,195004,209847,483188,515140,506391,502722,497223,516057 ]; /* IDs of accounts that haven't posted scripts (yet) but are clearly operated by scam authors (ie. they post dummy reviews for scams, etc) */ var scamHelpers = [ 505792,505791,505782,505352,505300,502220,442199,442192,502618,513557,196818,498788,501053,513390,513028, 509806 ]; /* IDs of authors who post Packer and other obfuscated (hidden) code, and privately-hosted remote code, that can not be easily verified. */ var obfuscated = [ 506312,482708,426106,469018,422222,442786,422223,422224,422226,422227,473813,505802,505802,512195,511096, 434917,292807,398936,199618,485411,308463,437023,507118,506973,250955,469976,474262,439208,433063,130901, 360083,401264,286875,301639,126265,85357,76302,508036,365484,471746,179136,511801,499040,507524,470746, 507881,507267,484532,484441,412918,505444,493299,503861,469860,470394,331170,442420,511090,489916,369106, 514114,440592,514408,489669,514396,514718,320677,515026,509312,486160,516124,395734,515898,516107,516309 ]; /* Misc. suspicious: IDs of authors of suspicious scripts that are not confirmed scams but exhibit highly suspicious behavior. This is currently populated primarily by Ultoo.com script authors. */ var suspicious = [ 512776,505330,509760,508814,507726,511000,513360,511118,513246,509798,416110,505078,513216,513490,512836, 507909,505314,509298,513106,506607,512750,512842,506195,513236,508667,501009,505326,509690,508422,506068, 470374,505168,512743,512685,505778,423469,417384,512178,201391,511758,510350,510972,509965,508299,505635, 504693,508121,509729,511015,510766,507604,510191,510582,509360,507832,507466,509694,506866,505770,507854, 508794,506958,508725,470697,508401,507876,505912,505945,506579,505689,506680,508333,505434,506731,505035, 500679,506741,506998,506512,505247,505401,505047,513812,234423,513836,514361,514276,514231,514399,514231, 514448,503630,514493,513984,514728,514873,169798,513360,514911,514768,514953,503846,514658,515321,504962, 515176,510636,515832,10072,516079,516201,516225 ]; /* IDs below belong to scripts rather than authors. Used to block scripts that the author doesn't intend as malicious, but nevertheless are -- such as scripts advertised as "pranks". Though authors who ONLY post pranks (and similar) will probably be added to the scammer list. */ var pranks = [124287,165241,142050,165892,165889]; // Ignore the following script authors. This is to prevent known false-positive detections var whitelist = [ 501553,19916,297645,86416,103626,169575,386991 ]; // Combine all author blacklist arrays into one var blacklist = scammers.concat(useless).concat(suspicious).concat(obfuscated).concat(scamHelpers); // Display blacklist total in settings $('span.tally').text(blacklist.length); // *************************** For individual script pages ***************************** // If we're on a particular script page, any tab, check it and display a warning if it's suspect if ((location.pathname.search('/show') > -1) || (location.pathname.search('/review') > -1) || (location.pathname.search('/fans') > -1) || (location.pathname.search('/issues') > -1) || (location.pathname.search('/discuss') > -1)){ // Set the warning to use on individual scam script pages var pageWarning = '+ 'padding:3px; margin:5px 5px -3px 5px; text-align:center;">' + 'This script is a suspected scam. Use caution before installing it.' + '
'; // Extract author ID from author link var author = parseInt($('a[user_id]').attr('user_id')); // Extract script ID from the URL var urlSplit = location.pathname.split('/'); var id = urlSplit[(urlSplit.length-1)]; // Check the author ID against our whitelist and scammer list if (whitelist.indexOf(author) > -1){ return false; } else if (blacklist.indexOf(author) > -1){ tagScamPage(); } else if (pranks.indexOf(parseInt(id)) > -1){ tagScamPage(); // If the author wasn't found in any list, retrieve the script code for scanning } else { $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/source/' + id + '.user.js', dataType: 'text', cache: false, success: function(data){ checkScript(data,false); } }); } }// ************************************** End individual script pages ***************************************** // Declare some variables as global var cScamHide; var suspects = []; /* Check for an existing session cookie: Ajax Range header for bandwidth reduction measure doesn't work without a session cookie. If one is not found, retrieve the login page once (without logging in), which creates the session cookie for us */ if (!$.cookie('_uso_session')) { $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/login', dataType: 'text', async: false }); } // If toggle cookie doesn't exist yet, create it, so our toggle state can be saved if (GM_getValue('hide',-5) == -5) GM_setValue('hide','1'); // Create a function to read toggle cookie function readCookie(){cScamHide = (GM_getValue('hide') == 1) ? true : false;} // Set the text to use when tagging suspected scam scripts var tag = '' + '[SUSPECTED SCAM]' + ' '; // Set the expanded warning to be placed in the descriptions of suspected scam scripts var caution = '' + 'Warning: This script is a suspected scam. Use caution before installing it. ' + ' ' + 'Author\'s description: '; // Set update notice var notify = ' + thisScriptURL + '">' + 'Filter Update Available!'; // Insert our toggle link, along with fields to show # of detected scams and the auto-update notice var toggleLink = "Toggle Scam Filter"; if (location.pathname == '/') toggleLink = "Scam Toggle"; $('th.la:contains("Name"):lt(2)') .append(' ' + ''+ toggleLink +' (' + '[Working]' + ': ' + '0 ' + '' + ')' + '' + ''); // Set toggle link hover effect $('a.autoToggle').hover( function(){ $(this).css('color','#FFDD11'); }, function(){ $(this).css('color','white'); } ); // Read our cookie to determine toggle state readCookie(); // Set toggle text based on cookie if (cScamHide){ $('span.tog').text('hidden'); } else { $('span.tog').text('shown'); } // Determine login status, which effects the location of elements on the page var loggedIn = ($('a.mail').length > 0) ? true : false; // Loop through each list row function filter(){ // Working $('span.working').text('[Working]').css('color','orange').css('text-shadow','0px 0px 5px #yellow'); var loopsLength = $('tr[id^="scripts-"]:not(.checked)').length; $('tr[id^="scripts-"]:not(.checked)').each(function(i,val){ $(this).addClass('checked'); // Extract script ID from row ID id = $(this).attr('id').replace('scripts-',''); suspects[i] = id; // Get title length so we can determine where author code will be on the retrieved page var offset = $('tr[id="scripts-' + id + '"] a.title').attr('title').length; // Author code is further down for logged-in users, so add to the offset if we're logged in offset = (loggedIn) ? (offset + 100) : offset; offset = offset + 100; // Retrieve that section of the script's "fans" page $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/fans/' + suspects[i], dataType: 'text', headers: {Range: "bytes=" + (offset + 1600) + "-" + (offset + 2300)}, cache: false, success: handOff1 }); function handOff1(data){ // Hand off the retrieved description page to the checkScriptAuthor function checkScriptAuthor(data, suspects[i]); // Debug author offset: //alert(data); // If this was the last loop iteration, change "Working" text to "Done" and hide/show scams based on toggle if (i == loopsLength-1) $('span.working').text('Done').css('color','white').css('text-shadow',''); toggleScams(false); } }); } // Run the filter initially filter(); function checkScriptAuthor(data, id){ var uid = id; // Get script author's ID from the retrieved script description page var auth = data.match(/;s=80&default=identicon" rel="nofollow" user_id="(\d*)"\>(.*)\<\/a\>/i); var authorID = parseInt(RegExp.$1); var authorText = RegExp.$2; // Debug author offset: //$('p.subtitle').append(' ' + auth + ' ' + authorID + ' ' + authorText); // Check if the script is in the pranks list, tag and move on if it is if (pranks.indexOf(parseInt(uid)) > -1){ tagScam('prank', id, authorText, authorID); // If the script's author is in our whitelist, move on } else if (whitelist.indexOf(authorID) > -1){ return false; // If the script's author matches one of our known scammers, tag the script as a suspected scam } else if (blacklist.indexOf(authorID) > -1){ tagScam('scammer',id,authorText,authorID); // Otherwise, retrieve the script code for scanning } else { // Retrieve script meta data, which contains Userscripts.org's unique version stamp getMeta(id).success(function(data){ // Extract the version stamp var usoVersion = parseInt(data.substr( data.search(/@uso:version/) + 17, 6) ); // Get our cached data for this script, if it exists var cache = GM_getValue(id,0); // If there is cache data for the script, extract the cached version stamp and cached scan result if (cache != 0){ var cacheVersion = cache.split(',')[0]; var reason = cache.split(',')[1]; } // If there is no cache data for this script, or if the cached version stamp doesn't match Userscripts.org's // stamp, retrieve the script code for scanning. if ((cacheVersion != usoVersion) || (cache == 0)){ $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/source/' + id + '.user.js', dataType: 'text', cache: false, success: function(data){ handOff2(data, uid, authorText, authorID); } }); function handOff2(data, id, authorText, authorID){ // Hand off the retrieved script code to the checkScript function checkScript(data, true, id, usoVersion, authorText, authorID); } /* Otherwise, we have cache data that is current (the cached version stamp matches the retrieved version stamp), AND the script was determined to be a scam (a 'reason' value of '1' means NO scam, all others indicate scams). Tag the scam using the cached reason. */ } else if (reason != 1){ tagScam(reason, uid, authorText, authorID); } }); } } function getMeta(id){ // Start meta.js retrieval, return a "promise", because JS is too retarded to handle asynchronous returns right now return $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/source/' + id + '.meta.js', dataType: 'text', cache: false }); } function checkScript(data,isList,id,usoVersion,authorText,authorID){ //Skip scripts that don't contain at least one instance of the word "facebook", "ultoo", or "ask.fm" if ( (data.search(/facebook/i) > -1) || (data.search(/ultoo/i) > -1) || (data.search(/ask\.fm/i))){ // Check the script code for known scam patterns if (data.search(/&action\=subscribe/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='&action=subscribe';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/\/ajax\/friends\/lists\/subscribe/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/\/ajax\/follow\/follow_profile\.php/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if ((data.search(/p,a,c,k,e,(d|r)/i) > -1) && (data.search(/eval/i) > -1)){ if (isList){var reason='packer';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/facebook.com\/plugins\/(like|follow)\.php?href\=/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/(&|\?)action\=add_friend/i) > -1) { if (isList){var reason='paramsAdd';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if ( (data.search(/document\.getElementById\('MobileNos_'\)/i) > -1) && (data.search(/ultoo/i) > -1) ){ if (isList){var reason='ultooNumber';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if ( (data.search(/document\.getElementsByName\('PollUserName'\)\[0\]/i) > -1) && (data.search(/ultoo/i) > -1) ){ if (isList){var reason='ultooName';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/\/ajax\/groups\/members\/add_post.php/i) > -1) { if (isList){var reason='facebook post';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/iframe.*facebook\.com/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='facebook iframe';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/ask\.fm\/likes.*\/add/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='ask.fm /add';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/(facebook|twitter)\.com.*target\=/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='ask.fm spam';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else if (data.search(/(ask\.fm.*(ask|preguntame|pergunt(e|a)s?))|(href\='Skype)/i) > -1){ if (isList){var reason='ask.fm spam';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()} } else { var reason = 1; } } else { var reason = 1; } // Store cache data: current version stamp and our scan results. A reason of '1' indicates NO scam. GM_setValue(id,usoVersion + ',' + reason); } // Display warning on individual scam suspect pages function tagScamPage(){ $('h2.title').css('color','darkred').css('font-size','20px'); $('div#details').append(pageWarning); } function tagScam(reason,id,authorText,authorID){ var reasonPre = reason; // Set row selector var row = 'tr[id="scripts-' + id + '"] '; // Tag the suspected scam's HTML code $(row).addClass('scam'); // Show reason only on hover $(row + 'td.script-meat').css('padding-bottom','0').hover( function(){ $('span.reason', this).removeAttr('hidden'); }, function(){ $('span.reason', this).attr('hidden',''); } ); // Hide the suspected scam if the cookie tells us the toggle is set to hide if (cScamHide) $(row).attr('hidden',''); // Tag the suspected scam visually using our preset messages $(row + 'a.title') .css('color','darkred') .before(tag) .parent().children('p.desc').prepend(caution); // Set reason text if (reason == '&action=subscribe'){ var reason = 'Contains url subscribe token [&action=subscribe].'; } else if (reason == '/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe'){ var reason = 'Contains Facebook ajax subscribe code [/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe].'; } else if (reason == 'packer'){ var reason = 'Contains "Packer" hidden eval code [eval(p,a,c,k...)].'; } else if (reason == '/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php'){ var reason = 'Contains Facebook ajax profile follow code [/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php]'; } else if (reason == 'scammer'){ var reason = 'This script was published by known scam or spam author ' + authorText; } else if (reason == 'facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href='){ var reason = 'Contains Facebook "like" reference to specific pages [like *or* follow.php?href=].'; } else if (reason == 'paramsAdd'){ var reason = 'Contains Facebook friend add token for a specific user [&action=add_friend].'; } else if (reason == 'ultooNumber'){ var reason = 'Contains Ultoo.com code that may procure points for one particular mobile number.'; } else if (reason == 'ultooName'){ var reason = 'Contains Ultoo.com code that may procure points for one particular user name.'; } else if (reason == 'facebook post'){ var reason = 'Contains ajax post code that may post to a specific Facebook page.'; } else if (reason == 'facebook iframe'){ var reason = 'May contain spam/misleading Facebook iFrames or "Like" buttons.'; } else if (reason == 'prank'){ var reason = 'This script is advertised as a prank or similar. It is considered malicious even if its author does not intend harm to Userscripts.org users.'; } else if (reason == 'ask.fm /add'){ var reason = 'Contains code that may automatically add or follow specific Ask.fm pages.'; } else if (reason == 'ask.fm spam'){ var reason = 'Contains code that is likely duplicated from another script to contain a new author\'s spam links.'; } // Append reason text if (reasonPre != 'scammer') $(row + 'span.reason').text(' Reason: ' + reason); // Append author name/ID var designation = (reasonPre == 'scammer') ? 'Known Scammer' : 'Author Name'; $(row + 'span.authorWarn').html(' ' + designation + ' • ' + '"+ location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/users/' + authorID + '">' + authorText + '" • ID: + location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/users/' + authorID + '">' + authorID + ''); // Increment the running count of detected scams $('span.total').text(parseInt($('span.total:first').text()) + 1); // If all results were hidden, proceed to following page of results if ((!cCont) && ($('tr[id^="scripts-"]').not('[hidden]').length == 0)) return window.location.href = location.protocol + '//userscripts.org' + $('a.next_page').attr('href'); // In continuous mode, if filter resulted in too few results, fetch more even without a new scroll trigger //if ((cCont) && ($('tr[id^="scripts-"]').not('[hidden]').length < 10)) scroll(); if ((cCont) && ($('div#root_footer:in-viewport').length > 0)) scroll(); } // Set the toggle link's click function $('a.autoToggle').click(function(){ toggleScams(true); }); // Make sure the toggle setting is in effect in case a toggle click occurred during the loop toggleScams(false); function toggleScams(click){ // Read our cookie to determine the current toggle setting readCookie(); /* If toggleScams is running as a result of a toggle link click, toggle hide/show setting and hide or show the scams. If it's running initially (not the result of a click), simply hide/show scams based on the current setting. */ if (cScamHide){ if (click) {showScams(click)} else {hideScams(click)} } else { if (click) {hideScams(click)} else {showScams(click)} } } function hideScams(click){ $('tr.scam').attr('hidden',''); $('span.tog').text('hidden'); if ((cCont) && ($('div#root_footer:in-viewport').length > 0)) scroll(); // If toggleScams is running as a result of a toggle link click, toggle the cookie appropriately if (click) GM_setValue('hide','1'); } function showScams(click){ $('tr.scam').removeAttr('hidden'); $('span.tog').text('shown'); // If toggleScams is running as a result of a toggle link click, toggle the cookie appropriately if (click) GM_setValue('hide','0'); } /* Auto-updater: Daily check. If an update is found, update notice displays on the current and next two subsequent page loads, then stops displaying again until following day. */ // If the auto-update cookie doesn't exist, create it. if (cUpdate){ if ($.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate') == null) $.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate', '1', { expires: 1, path: '/' }); // Convert the cookie's data into a number var cUpdater = parseInt($.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate')); // If the cookie showed a number less than 4, retrieve Scam Hider's remote meta data, which includes its version number if (cUpdater < 4){ // Retrieve the piece $.ajax({ url: thisScriptMetaURL, dataType: 'text', cache: false, headers: {Range: 'bytes=-330'}, success: checkUpdates }); } } function checkUpdates(data){ // Extract Scam Hider's current version number from the retrieved data... var currentVersion = parseFloat(data.substr( data.search(/@version/) + 13, 5)); // Debug offset: //alert('Installed version: ' + GM_info.script.version + ' Latest version: ' + currentVersion + ' (' + data + ')'); // and compare it to the installed version number. if (currentVersion > GM_info.script.version){ // If the current version number retrieved is greater than the installed version number, show our update notice. $('span.upd').html(notify); // Set the notification link's tooltip to show installed + latest versions $('a.notify').attr('title','Installed version: ' + GM_info.script.version + ' Latest version: ' + currentVersion); /* If the user doesn't update and loads another script listing page, increment the cookie's number. This lets the user see the update notice for 3 page loads total, then doesn't bother them again for another day (the cookie is set to expire in 24 hours). */ $.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate', cUpdater + 1, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); } } function loadJQViewport(){ /* Viewport - jQuery selectors for finding elements in viewport Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Mika Tuupola Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Project home: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/viewport $(":in-viewport") $(":below-the-fold") $(":above-the-top") $(":left-of-screen") $(":right-of-screen") */ (function($) { $.belowthefold = function(element, settings) { var fold = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop(); return fold <= $(element).offset().top - settings.threshold; }; $.abovethetop = function(element, settings) { var top = $(window).scrollTop(); return top >= $(element).offset().top + $(element).height() - settings.threshold; }; $.rightofscreen = function(element, settings) { var fold = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft(); return fold <= $(element).offset().left - settings.threshold; }; $.leftofscreen = function(element, settings) { var left = $(window).scrollLeft(); return left >= $(element).offset().left + $(element).width() - settings.threshold; }; $.inviewport = function(element, settings) { return !$.rightofscreen(element, settings) && !$.leftofscreen(element, settings) && !$.belowthefold(element, settings) && !$.abovethetop(element, settings); }; $.extend($.expr[':'], { "below-the-fold": function(a, i, m) { return $.belowthefold(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "above-the-top": function(a, i, m) { return $.abovethetop(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "left-of-screen": function(a, i, m) { return $.leftofscreen(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "right-of-screen": function(a, i, m) { return $.rightofscreen(a, {threshold : 0}); }, "in-viewport": function(a, i, m) { return $.inviewport(a, {threshold : 0}); } }); })(jQuery); } // Add jQuery cookie functions: Makes the cookie functions above work. // This must load above function use for Chrome/Tampermonkey support, so it's wrapped in a function called in the beginning. /* jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.3.1 https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie * Copyright 2013 Klaus Hartl. Released under the MIT license */ function loadJQcookies(){ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else { // Browser globals. factory(jQuery);} }(function ($) { var pluses = /\+/g; function raw(s) { return s;} function decoded(s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' '));} function converted(s) { if (s.indexOf('"') === 0) { // This is a quoted cookie as according to RFC2068, unescape s = s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\');} try { return config.json ? JSON.parse(s) : s; } catch(er) {}} var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) { // write if (value !== undefined) { options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options); if (typeof options.expires === 'number') { var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date(); t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);} value = config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value); return (document.cookie = [ config.raw ? key : encodeURIComponent(key), '=', config.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value), options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '', options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', options.secure ? '; secure' : '' ].join(''));} // read var decode = config.raw ? raw : decoded; var cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); var result = key ? undefined : {}; for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) { var parts = cookies[i].split('='); var name = decode(parts.shift()); var cookie = decode(parts.join('=')); if (key && key === name) { result = converted(cookie); break;} if (!key) { result[name] = converted(cookie);}} return result;}; config.defaults = {}; $.removeCookie = function (key, options) { if ($.cookie(key) !== undefined) { // Must not alter options, thus extending a fresh object... $.cookie(key, '', $.extend({}, options, { expires: -1 })); return true;} return false;};})); } // End jQuery Cookie Plugin ************************************************* });
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Userscripts.org Scam Filter Install Userscripts.org currently contains over 2,000 scam scripts. There is currently no way to report sca...