
Content Management System (CMS called Content Management System) - a web application used to create, edit, organize, structure and management of the website.

Principles of Operation

Working in content management systems gives you the ability to add,
change, and editorial content on the website without having to make
changes to the internal mechanisms of the organization.

A content management system can be conventionally divided into two
parts: a database, which collects information on the contents and
memory-storing elements of visualization, allowing display content on
the Internet (templates, graphics, etc.).

In order to further increase the convenience of work, most of the
systems have a means of visual editor (WYSIWYG), which are programs that
generate HTML code from user-formatted text, so that the main task of
content management systems is to allow self-populating web content by
users who are not specialize in creating websites and programming
(although, before working with CMS to carefully read the instructions).

Classification of content management systems
CMS systems are divided on the basis of a few categories.
Due to the type of license are distinguished:

  • open systems (called open-source), characterized by the open source
    code that is available for users who can view it, edit, and on this
    basis to create new scripts.
    Typically, all open systems are free. Examples of such programs are Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress;

  • closed systems, privately owned its authors, who have a monopoly on their use. The source code is hidden, and users are unable to edit it. Most closed CMS is payable. An example of a closed CMS is Microsoft SharePoint Server, Site Sapiens ECMP UlterSuite CMS.

Depending on the method of working with a template system that performs
the functions of visualization and structuring content, we can
distinguish the following types of CMS:

  • autonomous systems, compilers (called Offline processing). Users of the site, created with the help of this system, see the previously formed and drafted towards the site.
    These content management systems are used to create a static website -
    an online resource, the content of which can be changed only by
    modifying the source code of the document.

  • interactive systems (Online processing).
    The content every time it is created and formed anew on the basis of
    information from a database or cache upon receipt of the requests from
    visitors to the page.

    Systems of this type are used to create dynamic pages, ie those whose
    contents can be changed using the same page, without resorting to
    programming and editing source code.

  • hybrid systems (called hybrid systems) combine the functions of both autonomous systems and interactive.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of content management systems
Focused CMS for the average computer user and the Internet provides many benefits, including:

  • reduce the cost of maintenance;

  • Minimizing the time required to create a website;

  • simple parameter settings of content management;

  • ease of use of the programs.

Cons CMS:

  • large amount of information that can cause server overload;

  • instability generated page URLs, which leads to lower reputation in the search engines;

  • for the construction of the need to spend your time;

  • sometimes you have to incur expenditure in support of the system (often
    have to install the modules and templates that may be payable).

Most open content management systems
The most popular free CMS are Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress.
Joomla - the CMS open source, written in PHP and JavaScript languages ​​and providing a MySQL database.
It is used to create pages of different types (corporate, interactive,
newspapers, private parties, etc.) with varying degrees of difficulty.
Examples of sites created with Joomla! are www.linux.com and www.itwire.com.

  • Advantages of Joomla!:

    • a simple and convenient user interface;

    • minimum set of instruments for the original installation, which can be expanded as needed;

    • high functionality;

    • multilingualism;

    • regular updates.

  • Cons:

    • relatively large load on the server;

    • the possibility of a problem with the code;

    • "Holes" in the security system;

    • excessive attachment to the menu items.

Drupal - an open content management system written in PHP and supports MySQL and PostgreSQL. It is a CMS, with which you can easily create great websites. In this system have been developed such as the www.mtv.co.uk, www.whitehouse.gov or www.ubuntu.com.
Main advantages:

  • functionality and flexibility

  • with the number of modules in the system can create unconventional page to the specific contract;

  • relatively low load on the servers.


  • difficult to use;

  • system too heavy to pages hosted on the cheap web hosting service subscriptions;

  • inefficient use of objective features of PHP.

Wordpress - open CMS written in PHP and MySQL database support. In this system, mainly blogs are created, for example ebayinkblog.com or newsroom.mtv.com.

  • intuitive, functional and simple interface;

  • easy to install;

  • Friendly URL (friendly URL);

  • multiple languages.


  • frequent system errors in the case of high footfall;

  • weak security system;

  • poor reputation in the search engines.


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