
(HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language) - hypertext markup language on the Internet. With the ability to interpret HTML browsers can define the appearance of the document to be displayed in them. This language is widely used in the world and most commonly used to create web pages.

Documents written using HTML are processed by web browsers that
understand the language of signs and transform them into easy to listen
Typically, these files have the extension htm. or html. For editing HTML documents, you can use any text editor such as Notepad. There are also designed specifically for this purpose programs, such as Adobe Dreamweaver.

History of HTML

HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee in the 90's of last century. It was originally only used as a tool to create and share documents by users.
The invention was revolutionary: the user, using the reference, your
computer could see the documents that were found in any other location
in the world.
The main task of the first version of HTML was correct text playback on different devices without any structural distortion.
Since then, HTML has been repeatedly modified and significantly expanded the ability to view documents. This language has several versions:

The first versions of HTML in the early 90's do not have a detailed
specification, because at that time there was no single official
language standard.

The purpose of the first version of HTML was the only word processing
and the use of the most popular styles of formatting such as bold test,
italic, etc.

HTML 2.0 - Added ability to handle forms.

HTML 3.2 - the ability to create tables, display mathematical formulas,
graphs, text wrap effect and the passage of the elements.

HTML 4.0 - Some HTML elements have been removed and in its place proposed to use CSS tables. Added support for scripting and frames.
HTML 4.01 - Modified version 4.0.
HTML 5 - year 2010 - until today. The fifth version is currently under development, work on it should be completed in 2014.

Format HTML document

All HTML documents are created using tags - special tags, most often occurring in tandem - the opening and closing tag. Among them is the attribute and content or only content.
Top element (opening tag) is defined as an attribute should be
formulated within, and finally - where the formatting should be

Sample text bold by tag: b
<b> bold text </ b>
already be formatted as follows:
bold text

Standard HTML document contains a mandatory set of tags and has the form:

<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD HTML 4.01 / / EN"
" http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd ">
<TITLE> Document Title </ TITLE>
</ HEAD>
The text of the document
</ BODY>
</ HTML>

XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN "- reveals the nature of the document.
<html> - Beginning of the document;
<head> - use the page header, it posted the information for browsers and search engine spiders;
<title> </ title> - the title of the document is indexed by the search engines;
</ Head> - the end of the page header;
<body> </ body> - the beginning and end of the document, which shall be indicated specific content of the page;
</ Html> - end of html document.


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