Rate Lookup

Enter the complete phone number you wish to look up in the form of 011XXXXXXXXXXXX or 1XXXXXXXXXX. Incomplete phone numbers may show an incorrect rate.

Prefix Info:
Prefix: 01162813
IDDD: 62
Country: ID - Indonesia
Locality: Countrywide
Administrative Division: ID
Provider: Telkomsel
UTC Offset: +7
Additional Info:
Min Digits: 16
Max Digits: 16
Per minute rate: US $ 0.0426

Available Calling Plans:
Device Management
RingByName BRUS Bundle
RingByName BRUS User
Shopping Cart Annual Licensing and Maintenance Fee
Shopping Cart Hosting
Single Domestic DID Channel
Single International DID Channel
US/CA Company Package
US/CA Custom User
US/CA Extension
US/CA User
US/CA Virtual User


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