
Unlock your mobile phone with WorldUnlock Codes Calculator

WorldUnlock Codes Calculator is a utility

used to unlock mobile phones such as Nokia, LG or Samsung. The process

is simple; users simply have to select their phone model, type a code

and in a few easy steps their device will be unlocked.

This tool also includes a code to restore the security code for users

who tend to forget their PIN code. This free software allows users to

maintain security on their devices and to use other mobile phones

without restrictions.

How to do it

The installation process is easy and it does not occupy much disk

space. To use the program WorldUnlock Codes Calculator works to unlock

devices users have to select the brand and specific phone model from a

list. Then, users enter a code, select the country, the provider a click

on “Calculate”.

The program will display some codes to try until you find the right

one for your phone. You may restart your phone when the process is

complete, and your device will be unlocked.

If you have blocked your mobile, and you cannot remember your Nokia

PIN code, you can now restore your security number with this utility by

calculating the Mastercode.

Other alternatives

Besides unlocking mobile phones, there are other programs which

provide other ways to get the most out of your device. If you would like

to clean your mobile memory because you tend to have multiple files

that disorganize your phone, try Disk Cleaner

If you want to replicate the same task on your computer, you can try CCleaner to remove all the unnecessary files on your hard disk.

WorldUnlock Codes Calculator 4.4 Features

Below you can find the features of this utility:

  • Many formats supported such as Samsung, Siemens, LG and Sony

  • Wide compatibility, especially with Nokia phones

  • Quick installation without any complication

  • Intuitive UI without hidden menus

  • You have to introduce your IMEI code (International Model Equipment Identity), phone model, provider and country

  • Press ‘Calculate’ button to get multiple possible unlock codes

If you are interested in reading more information, you can do it here


WorldUnlock Codes Calculator is a mobile utility which is used to

unlock your mobile phone by typing it´s country and provider. It also

restores your security PIN code if you have lost it.


  • Simple to use

  • Free

  • Small file size


  • A little outdated

  • Only works for certain models


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