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Annotated Checklist of Musical Instruments In
the Kyai Rengga Manis Everist Gamelan

A selection of slendro instruments from the gamelan, Kyai Rengga Manis Everist, by Ud Soepoyo, Surakarta, Central Java, 1999

A selection of slendro instruments from the gamelan, Kyai Rengga Manis Everist by Ud Soepoyo, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, 1999, can be seen on display in the Beede Gallery. Purchase funds gift of Margaret Ann Everist, Sioux City, Iowa, 1999.
What does the NMM's gamelan sound like? Listen to musical excerpts from the CD, Sayuk: Together in Harmony, recorded at the NMM in 2007 by The Sumunar Gamelan Ensemble of the Indonesian Performing Arts Association of Minnesota.
  • Ladrang, Sri Wibowo-Srepeg, Laras Slendro Pathet Songo (1904)
  • Lagu, Pemut, Laras Pelog Pathet Enem by Joko Sutrisno (2007)
  • Lancaran, Sayuk-Sampak, Laras Pelog Pathet Barang by Marto Pengrawit (1950), arr. by Joko Sutrisno
Listen to an "audio postcard," a short interview with members of the Tatag Gamelan Ensemble (USD), produced by Susan Hanson (South Dakota Public Radio), following an April 2004 performance at the National Music Museum. Members interviewed include Gamelan Director, Deborah Check Reeves (NMM Curator of Education), Maggie Sampson, Karen Lipp, and Shawn Parker.

Looking for a map? Link to the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas at Austin for an excellent collection of historic and current worldwide maps. Click here for their selection of maps of Indonesia.


Instrument Types Represented in the Kyai Rengga Manis Everist Gamelan Bedhug
Bonang Barung
Bonang Panembung
Bonang Panerus
Engkuk / Kemong
Gender Barung
Gender Panerus
Gong Ageng
Gong Siyem
Gong Suwukan
Kecer Wayang
Kempiang / Kethuk
Kendhang Ageng
Kendhang Ciblon
Kendhang Ketipung
Kendhang Wayang
Kenong Japan
Kotak Tabuh
Mallets (Tabuh)
Saron Barung
Sarong Demung
Saron Panerus (Peking)
Saron Wayang
Tabuh (Mallets)
Maker's Sign


NMM 9882. Bedhug. Barrel-shaped, teakwood drum. Two equally sized, water-buffalo- hide heads held in place by twenty-eight wooden pegs. Decorated with flower, leaf, and naga pattern covered in gold leaf. Length (head to head): 66.9 cm. One long teakwood mallet (tabuh) with thick, soft red cloth padding at one end. Three-piece stand decorated with nagas (dragons) wearing crowns ("dragon king"), and flower and leaf patterns covered with gold leaf.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Bonang Barung
NMM 9873. Bonang Barung in Laras Slendro. Mid-sized bonang. Twelve bronze pots in two rows of six located in square openings in rectangular teakwood frame, suspended by string threaded through channels carved into frame. Frame decorated with flower and leaf patterns covered with gold leaf. Two removable wings on each end of stand carved in shape of two nagas (dragons) with intertwining tails at top, curved bodies, and heads resting at the bottom of the wings on both ends; covered in gold leaf. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 223.8 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 18.1 cm. Two mallets (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the pots.
NMM 9876. Bonang Barung in Laras Pelog. Mid-sized bonang. Fourteen bronze pots in two rows of seven. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 223.8 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 18.1 cm. Two mallets (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.

Bonang Panembung
NMM 9872. Bonang Panembung in Laras Slendro. Largest member of the bonang group. Twelve bronze pots in two rows of six located in square openings in rectangular teakwood frame, suspended by string threaded through channels carved into frame. Frame decorated with flower and leaf patterns covered with gold leaf. Two removable wings on each end of stand carved in shape of two nagas (dragons) with intertwining tails at top, curved bodies, and heads resting at the bottom of the wings on both ends; covered in gold leaf. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 223.8 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 23.5 cm. Two mallets (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the pots.
NMM 9875. Bonang Panembung in Laras Pelog. Largest member of the bonang group. Fourteen bronze pots in two rows of seven. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 257.1 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 22.0 cm. Two mallets (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Bonang Panerus
NMM 9874. Bonang Panerus in Laras Slendro. Smallest member of the bonang group. Twelve bronze pots in two rows of six located in square openings in rectangular teakwood frame, suspended by string threaded through channels carved into frame. Frame decorated with flower and leaf patterns covered with gold leaf. Two removable wings on each end of stand carved in shape of two nagas (dragons) with intertwining tails at top, curved bodies, and heads resting at the bottom of the wings on both ends; covered in gold leaf. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 223.8 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 15.1 cm. Two mallets (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the pots.
NMM 9877. Bonang Panerus in Laras Pelog. Smallest member of the bonang group. Fourteen bronze pots in two rows of seven. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 223.8 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 15.0 cm. Two mallets (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9878 and 9879. Celempungs. Plucked zithers with four legs. Twenty-six strings in groups of two held in place by metal pins in an S-shaped wrest plank. Teakwood body decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 103.1 cm. One tuning hammer.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9891. Engkuk/Kemong in Laras Slendro. Suspended pots on teakwood frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 68.0 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the pots.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9883. Gambang in Laras Slendro. Twenty teakwood bars on long, hollowed, rectangular block of teakwood. Wings carved with two nagas (dragons) on either side, tails intertwining, lotus leaf decoration in the center. Teakwood decorated with flower and leaf pattern. Carvings covered in gold leaf. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 133.5 cm. Two long, slender mallets (tabuh) made of buffalo horn with disc of wood covered with a ring-shaped pad of red cloth.
NMM 9884. Gambang in Laras Pelog Pathet Nem. Twenty teakwood bars. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 136.5 cm. Two mallets (tabuh).
NMM 9885. Gambang in Laras Pelog Pathet Barang. Twenty teakwood bars. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 137.1 cm. Two mallets (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9859.  Gender Barung in Laras Slendro
NMM 9859. Gender Barung in Laras Slendro. Fourteen bronze bars suspended by a cord over sheet iron resonating tubes in a teakwood frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Feet decorated with a single leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Length: 116.3 cm. Two small mallets (tabuh) with handles and disc-shaped heads with ring-shaped, red-cloth padding.
NMM 9860. Gender Barung in Laras Pelog Pathet Nem. Fourteen bronze bars. Length: 115.6 cm. Two small mallets (tabuh).
NMM 9861. Gender Barung in Laras Pelog Pathet Nem. Fourteen bronze bars. Length: 116.1 cm. Two small mallets (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9862.  Gender Panerus in Laras Slendro
NMM 9862. Gender Panerus in Laras Slendro. Fourteen bronze bars suspended by a cord over sheet iron resonating tubes in a teakwood frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Feet decorated with a single leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Length (wing to wing, not including wings): 96.5 cm. Two small mallets (tabuh) with handles and disc-shaped heads with ring-shaped, red-cloth padding.
NMM 9863. Gender Panerus in Laras Pelog Pathet Nem. Fourteen bronze bars. Length: 97.0 cm. Two small mallets (tabuh).
NMM 9864. Gender Panerus in Laras Pelog Pathet Barang. Fourteen bronze bars. Length: 97.0 cm. Two small mallets (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Gong Ageng
NMM 9918. Gong Ageng in Laras Slendro. Large bronze gong with strong, thick cord through two holes in the rim. Diameter (backside): 79 cm. Three-piece stand shared by 9919. Teakwood stand decorated with nagas (dragons) wearing crowns ("dragon king") and flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Mallet (tabuh) with a long handle and heavy, thick red cloth padding on one end wrapped in red cord.
NMM 9919. Gong Ageng in Laras Pelog. Large bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 82 cm. Three-piece stand shared by 9918. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Gongs Siyem, Suwukan, and Kempul
NMM 9917A. Gong Siyem. Medium- to large-sized bronze gong with strong, thick cord through two holes in the outer rim. Diameter (backside): 63.7 cm. Three-piece teakwood stand decorated with nagas (dragons) wearing crowns ("dragon king") and flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Mallet (tabuh) with a long handle and heavy, thick red cloth padding on one end wrapped in red cord.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Gongs Siyem, Suwukan, and Kempul Gongs Suwukan and Kempul
NMM 9915A. Gong Suwukan in Laras Slendro "2." Medium-sized bronze gong with strong, thick cord through two holes in the rim. Diameter (backside): 51.4 cm. Three-piece teakwood stand decorated with nagas (dragons) wearing crowns ("dragon king") and flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Mallet (tabuh) with a long handle and heavy, thick red cloth padding on one end wrapped in red cord.
NMM 9915B. Gong Suwukan in Laras Slendro "1." Medium-sized bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 54.6 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9917B. Gong Suwukan in Laras Pelog "1." Medium-sized bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 53.1 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9917C. Gong Suwukan in Laras Pelog "2." Medium-sized bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 50.8 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9917D. Gong Suwukan in Laras Pelog "7." Medium-sized bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 53.7 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Gongs Siyem, Suwukan, and Kempul
NMM 9892. Kecer Wayang. Two pair of bronze cymbals. One of each pair attached to a small stand, the other two unattached, with small leather loops inserted through holes located in the center. Teakwood stand decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 40.1 cm.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Gongs Siyem, Suwukan, and Kempul
NMM 9893A. Kemanak in Laras Slendro "6." Two metal, slit gongs, shaped out of a thick sheet of bronze curled into a curved tube similar in shape to a banana, with an open slit along one side from end to end. Length: 33.3 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the Kemanak.
NMM 9893B. Kemanak in Laras Slendro "1." Length: 34.3 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.



NMM Kempiang and Kethuk in Laras Slendro
NMM 9888. Kempiang and Kethuk in Laras Slendro. Two bronze pots in teakwood frame. Taller pot is the kempiang; squatter pot is the kethuk. Pots suspended by red cord attached to the frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length (frame): 67.9 cm. Diameter of kethuk (at base): 20.5 cm. Diameter of kempiang (at base): 19.5 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the pots.
NMM 9889. Kempiang and Kethuk in Laras Pelog. Length (frame): 68.0 cm. Diameter of kethuk (at base): 23.0 cm. Diameter of kempiang (at base): 18.7 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Gongs Siyem, Suwukan, and Kempul Gongs Suwukan and Kempul
NMM 9914A. Kempul in Laras Slendro "6." Small bronze gong with strong, thick cord passing through two holes in the outer rim. Diameter (backside): 36.6 cm. Three-piece teakwood stand decorated with nagas (dragons) wearing crowns ("dragon king") and flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Mallet (tabuh) with a long handle and heavy, thick red cloth padding on one end wrapped in red cord.
NMM 9914B. Kempul in Laras Slendro "5." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 40.5 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9914C. Kempul in Laras Slendro "3." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 41.1 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9914D. Kempul in Laras Slendro "1." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 37.2 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9914E. Kempul in Laras Slendro "2." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 34.8 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9916A. Kempul in Laras Pelog "6." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 37.3 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9916B. Kempul in Laras Pelog "5." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 41.2 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9916C. Kempul in Laras Pelog "3." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 43.5 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9916D. Kempul in Laras Pelog "7." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 36.1 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9916E. Kempul in Laras Pelog "1." Small bronze gong. Diameter (backside): 33.2 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9865.  Kendhang Ageng
NMM 9865. Kendhang Ageng. Largest of the gamelan drums. Conical with a small and large head. Water-buffalo hide heads laced together with long strands of hide crisscrossed around the body. Teakwood body decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Length (head to head): 75.7 cm. Teakwood stand.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Kendhang Ciblon
NMM 9869. Kendhang Ciblon. Mid-sized gamelan drum. Water-buffalo hide heads laced together with long strands of hide crisscrossed around the body. Teakwood body decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Length (head to head): 65.6 cm. Teakwood stand.
Link to description of function and playing technique.

NMM 9866 and 9865.  Kendhang Ketipung and Kendhang Ageng
NMM 9866. Kendhang Ketipung. Smallest of the gamelan drums. Water-buffalo hide heads laced together with long strands of hide crisscrossed around the body. Teakwood body decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Length (head to head): 44.8 cm.
NMM 9867. Kendhang Ketipung. Length (head to head): 46.0 cm.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Kendhang Wayang
NMM 9868. Kendhang Wayang. Mid-sized gamelan drum. Water-buffalo hide heads laced together with long strands of hide crisscrossed around the body. Teakwood body decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Length (head to head): 68.6 cm. Teakwood stand.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9886. Kenong in Laras Slendro. Six bronze pots suspended on three separate teakwood frames. Pots suspended red cord attached to the frame. Frames decorated with flower and leaf patterns covered in gold leaf. Length of frames: 89.7 cm, 89.8 cm, 89.9 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 30.5 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the pots.
NMM 9887. Kenong in Laras Pelog. Six bronze pots. Length of frames: 89.3 cm, 89.5 cm, 90.0 cm. Diameter of largest pot (at base): 32.0 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Kenong Japan
NMM 9890. Kenong Japan in Laras Slendro and Pelog. Larger than the kenong (9886 and 9887). Two bronze pots suspended by red cord attached to teakwood frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length (frame): 101.7 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the pots.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9920. Kenthogan. Hollow, slit wooden tube. Teakwood body decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 48.9 cm. Teakwood stand.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9921. Keprak (also kaprak). Four bronze plates tied together with cord and hung from a bronze hook. Length: 16.0 cm.
Link to description of function and playing technique.



Kotak Tabuh
NMM 9922. Kotak tabuh (mallet box). Teakwood box hinged on one side, decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 51.8 cm.
NMM 9923. Kotak tabuh (mallet box). Length: 51.8 cm.
Link to description of function.


Mallets (Tabuh)


NMM 9870 and 9871. Rebabs. Teakwood body, neck, and tuning pegs. Strung with a single brass string that is wrapped around one peg, stretched down over the body, wrapped around a knob and ringlet at the foot, returned back across the body, and wrapped around second peg. Back of body covered with a red cloth decorated with gold-colored embroidery. Length: 111.8 cm. Teakwood stand decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Accessories include a bow (kosok), removable bridge (sreten), undecorated wooden case, block of rosin, and an extra coil of brass wire.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Saron Barung
NMM 9902. Saron Barung in Laras Slendro. Mid-sized member of saron group. Metallophone with seven large bronze bars placed over teakwood frame. Keys held in place by two pins inserted through holes in the bars and embedded in the frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 87.4 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with long handle and large, oval-shaped wooden striker.
NMM 9903. Saron Barung in Laras Slendro. Mid-sized member of saron group. Length: 86.9 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9904. Saron Barung in Laras Slendro. Mid-sized member of saron group. Length: 84.9 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9906. Saron Barung in Laras Pelog. Mid-sized member of saron group. Metallophone with seven bronze bars placed over teakwood frame. Keys held in place by two pins inserted through holes in the bars and embedded in the frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 86.7 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9907. Saron Barung in Laras Pelog. Mid-sized member of saron group. Length: 88.0 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9908. Saron Barung in Laras Pelog. Mid-sized member of saron group. Length: 88.5 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9909. Saron Barung in Laras Pelog. Mid-sized member of saron group. Length: 88.0 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Saron Demung
NMM 9898. Sarong Demung in Laras Slendro. Largest member of saron group. Metallophone with seven large bronze bars placed over teakwood frame. Keys held in place by two pins inserted through holes in the bar and embedded in the frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 114.9 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with long handle and large, oval-shaped wooden striker.
NMM 9899. Sarong Demung in Laras Slendro. Largest member of saron group. Length: 114.6 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9900. Saron Demung in Laras Pelog. Largest member of saron group. Length: 113.9 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9901. Saron Demung in Laras Pelog. Largest member of saron group. Length: 114.3 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9910.  Saron Panerus (Peking) in Laras Slendro
NMM 9910. Saron Panerus (Peking) in Laras Slendro. Smallest member of saron group. Metallophone with seven bronze bars placed over teakwood frame. Keys held in place by two pins inserted through holes in the bars and embedded in the frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 66.6 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with a long handle tipped with water buffalo horn.
NMM 9911. Saron Panerus (Peking) in Laras Slendro. Smallest member of saron group. Length: 67.1 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9912. Saron Panerus (Peking) in Laras Pelog. Smallest member of saron group. Length: 66.5 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
NMM 9913. Saron Panerus (Peking) in Laras Pelog. Smallest member of saron group. Length: 67.7 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9905.  Saron Wayang in Laras Slendro
NMM 9905. Saron Wayang in Laras Slendro. Mid-sized member of saron group. Metallophone with nine large bronze bars placed over teakwood frame. Bars held in place by two pins inserted through holes in the bars and embedded in the frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 92.4 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with long handle and large, oval-shaped wooden striker.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9880.  Siter
NMM 9880. Siter. Plucked zither with four legs. Twenty-four wire strings. Teakwood body decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length (long side / short side): 58.5 / 45.8 cm. One tuning hammer and a small coil of extra wire.
NMM 9881. Siter. Plucked zither with four legs. Twenty-four wire strings. Length (long side / short side): 58.6 / 46.4 cm. One tuning hammer and a small coil of extra wire.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9857.  Slenthem
NMM 9857. Slenthem in Laras Pelog. Seven bronze keys suspended by a cord over sheet-iron resonating tubes in a teakwood frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Feet decorated with a single leaf pattern covered with gold leaf. Length: 89.2 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with a long handle and disc-shaped head with ring-shaped, red-cloth padding.
NMM 9858. Slenthem in Laras Slendro. Seven bronze keys. Length: 89.3 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9924.  Slentho.
NMM 9924. Slentho in Laras Pelog. Similar to saron demung in size. Metallophone with seven large bronze bars placed over teakwood frame. Each bronze bar has node that is struck like a gong. Keys held in place by two pins inserted through holes in the bars and embedded into the frame. Decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf. Length: 115.2 cm. Mallet (tabuh) with red cord wrapped very close to one end creating a soft, springy, oval shape that comes in contact with the node of the bar.
NMM 9925. Slentho in Laras Slendro. Similar to saron demung in size. Length, 114.7 cm. Mallet (tabuh).
Link to description of function and playing technique.


NMM 9894. Suling (flute) in Laras Slendro. One-piece, end-blown, bamboo flute with four finger holes. Length: 52.5 cm. Teakwood stand, shared with NMM 9897, decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf.
NMM 9895. Suling (flute) in Laras Slendro. One-piece, end-blown, bamboo flute with four finger holes. Length: 51.8 cm.
NMM 9896. Suling (flute) in Laras Pelog. Length: 54.98 cm.
NMM 9897. Suling (flute) in Laras Pelog. Length: 54.0 cm. Stand shared by NMM 9894, teakwood decorated with flower and leaf pattern covered in gold leaf.
Link to description of function and playing technique.


Mallets (Tabuh)


Maker's Sign
NMM 9926. Maker's Sign. Stand with two hooks from which hangs the sign: MANUFACTURED BY. / UD. SOEPOYO. / MERTAN WIRUN / MOJOLANBAN. SUKOHARJO / JAWATENGAH – INDONESIA. / TELP. 0271.611883. Length (base of stand): 68.4 cm. Text and carving covered in gold leaf.

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Go to The Arrival of the Kyai Rengga Manis Everist Gamelan in Vermillion, July 15, 2000

Go to The Naming Ceremony for the Kyai Rengga Manis Everist Gamelan, April 26, 2003

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The University of South Dakota
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Most recent update: February 3, 2009
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